Counseling and Behavioral Health Therapy
Science has shown that addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease. If you overuse alcohol or drugs, you already know how difficult it is to stop. Treatment requires a team of specialists working with you to achieve sobriety and a meaningful life. Counseling and behavioral health therapy are essential components of treating addiction. At Integrated Addiction Care (IAC) Associates we have excellent counselors ready to work with you now.
Telemedicine provides a convenient way to make therapy for emotional fitness fit into your daily life, using technology that is widely available (smart phones, tablets, or PC’s). With the added pressures of the coronavirus pandemic, telehealth visits are both convenient and prudent. IAC is currently offering tele-therapy/counseling for patients and their families dealing with addiction. Payment for counseling sessions can be made using TennCare, Medicare, many commercial insurance plans or with personal funds. Call us at (901) 746-9438 (Mon-Fri, 8 AM to 5 PM) to get started today.
Benefits of Telemedicine
- Integrated Addiction Care @ Home
- Less Disruption to Your Daily Life
- Secure and Confidential On-Line Visits
- Therapy and Treatment Plans Built with You and Your Patient Care Team
- No exposure to other potentially contagious patients